Web Proofs

E-ssential presents a revolutionary new proofing service.
When you want to see your project as we develop it, you no longer have to settle for black and white facsimiles. No more squeezing time out of your busy schedule to travel to our shop to pick up a hard copy print. No more arranging an appointment to review your project on our monitors. Now, you can instantly view a color version of your project on your own desktop computer, using your Web browser!

We have developed a process to “print” your files directly to our Web site. We notify you by phone, fax and/or email when your Web Proof is ready. The notification will include the URL to enter into your browser. Some email programs automatically translate the URL into a hypertext link. You just click on the link in your email, and your browser opens to your Web Proof. Wow! It’s fast, it’s easy and it’s available now.

Most of the Web Proofs we furnish are in Adobe’s PDF format. If you are having trouble viewing your Web Proof, it’s most likely because you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You can find what you need on our File Utilities page.

The Web Proof directory is public. However, we can provide a private, password protected directory should you require that.

Please keep in mind, the quality of a Web Proof is constrained by the technology available from the Internet, and by your computer. A Web Proof is not a substitute for industry standard proofing methods, which we still employ and rely on for our final proofs should you request it.

Please contact us if you have any questions about Web Proofing!